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Merveilles de Elise
Wonderland of Elise


Blogger, Freelancer, Shutterbug, Foodie

Hello and welcome to my blog
I pour my heart and thoughts here

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It's Me

Hello fellow humans!

It's been ages since I've last blogged. I'd safely say that it's been 2 years or so? Well, I'm finally back into the blogging scene, with a new me and a spanking new blog at that. For those of you who don't know me, there's a clickable link with the word "Owner" on it to give you a rough idea of who's blog you're stalking now ;)

Anyways, it's August right now and boy am i looking forward to what this month has to offer! First off, I'm a Leo baby turning 24 in a few more days *hint hint*. Secondly, I'm looking forward to work freelance, and hopefully land myself a permanent job. Thirdly, I'm also hoping to further my studies. I seriously hope that I'd be able to achieve all these and that I'd have everyone's support in doing so. SO, #supportelise okay? Okay.

Well, since this is like an introduction post, I won't be posting a super long one because that'll defeat the purpose of an introduction to my blog and I then. But do look forward to my future posts as I'll be posting my Korea Trip (finally!) which will be updated in a few posts.

Hope you'd enjoy reading this blog and look forward to my next update as much as i love sharing my stories!

Till then,