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Review: Sephora Limited Edition Puckerlicious Lip Set

Introducing the Sephora Limited Edition Puckerlicious Lip Set I've gotten in my recent haul. For those of you who are interested in knowing what I bought, you can check out my haul post here.

Packed in a lovely striped transparent bag, this lip set holds 4 lovely lip colours for all kinds of looks you're going for! From left to right: Nyx Butter Lipstick in Fizzies, Nyx Butter Lipstick in Hot Tamale, Sephora Rouge Infusion in Red Essence and Tarte LipSurgence in Blissful.

Let's start with Nyx's Butter Lipsticks. I've heard of this butter lippie for sometime now and lots of beauty gurus have been raving bout this product for its rich colour and smooth application. So when I got this lip set, I was more than ecstatic to find so many beautiful lippies and these butter lipsticks were one of them. 

On the left we have the shade Hot Tamale which is a warm orange colour that surprisingly looks good on my skin tone! But one thing that everyone has to keep in mind is that you can't have cracked lips AT ALL when applying such a bright colour as it'll definitely show and it won't look pretty. And an extra suggestion is to apply it layer by layer as the colour is buildable.

Next to it is the colour Fizzies. It's a lovely shade of cherry colour that looks natural and is suitable for everyday use. Smooth and buttery like all its' friends, this is a go-to for me as I generally don't use lipsticks due to its' drying properties after long hours of application. So this alone says a lot on how good of a product it is.

NYX Butter Lipstick in Hot Tamale      NYX Butter Lipstick in Fizzies

This beauty in black is the Sephora Rouge Infusion in Red Essence. It's basically a lip tint in a dark berry colour. Good if you're going for a dark or vampy look. I'd recommend applying lip balm after putting on lip tints so that your lips would remain moist as lip tints doesn't provide any moisture or hydrating properties. Well at least that's how I normally apply lip tints as it gives your lips that extra gloss/shine. The picture however may not show how dark or vampy the colour really is on my lips but it's still a pretty colour and be sure to apply it evenly to avoid having patchy lips.

Sephora Rouge Infusion is Red Essence

Last but not least, this beautiful peach coloured lip gloss from Tarte cosmetics. I've heard lots of good reviews from this make-up brand and I was super excited when this is available in Sephora Malaysia, more over when it's in the Limited Edition Puckerlicious Lip Set for a stealer price! This LipSurgence's applicator is not the normal doe-shaped applicator that you'll find in your lip glosses. If you noticed, the applicator has a dent on the top half  which i think make application easier as it fits the lips perfectly during application. The smell was okay and love the application and formula as it's not sticky on your lips (which I love). But most of all, I love the colour as I'm a sucker for peachy or red colours. =3

Tarte LipSurgence in Blissful

Here's some swatches for your reference on natural lighting.

Left to right: Nyx Butter Lipstick in Hot Tamale, Fizzies, Sephora Rouge Infusion in Red Essence, Tarte LipSurgence in Blissful

That's all for my review today. Hope it's somewhat helpful in expanding your lippie collection. More reviews to come!

Till then,

Makeup Haul

Hey loves! Sorry for such a long hiatus, I truly apologise for my lack of interesting subject to blog of or about. And the korean post is still on its way, so bear with me for a bit more okay? Anyways, just got myself some makeup products and would like to share with you guys what I've gotten. I didn't get everything at one go tho, this is what I bought in a span of 2-3 weeks! And I think there's still some sales going on right now at the pharmacies and make up stores so it's actually the best time to grab hold of some awesome deals! =)

Well, a girls gotta love her make up and trust me, it's a never ending love-ship cuz it's never enough! ;) I have quite a collection of make up products and majority of it are lip products. Don't ask me why cuz honestly I have no idea. Back to business, all products above were bought with my own money and am not sponsored in any way. Kinda sad tho cuz I'd love to get sponsored to experiment and review on cosmetics but am super proud of myself cuz I'm spending my own hard-earned money, so hopefully in the near future I'd get the chance =)

First up, the new L'Oréal Paris Mat Magique all-in-one compact with SPF 34PA+++ and the L'Oréal Paris Lucent Magique liquid light touch up pen. Both of which i got from Watsons and Guardian respectively. Unfortunately they don't have any promotions going on right now for these 2 products but the price are pretty reasonable at less than RM40 each.

Next are products from Maybelline. Yes I do love my drugstore products as I think they do a great job at making me look pretty at half the price of other high-end products out there. =) Got myself the new Maybelline Falsies Big Eyes mascara! Major love to Maybelline for bringing in this amazing product to Malaysia cuz it definitely made my eyes bigger. Also picked up the Maybelline 24Hr Color Tattoo in the shade "Inked in Pink". I must say it's the loveliest shade of pink that I've ever seen and it really does compliment my eyes given my complexion is leaning towards the tanned side. Big love! *Good news: Guardian is having promotion right now where you purchase anything above RM50 inclusive of the Big Eyes mascara, you get to spin the wheel of fortune and win Maybelline products up to RM200!* Took the opportunity and spun myself an extra baked eyeshadow! Love the blend of gold with purple blue hues. Not sure when I'd use it but would definitely do a tutorial or some sort on the blog later on =)

Last but not least, lip products! This is one heck of a steal I got from Sephora during the weekends. It's their limited edition lippie bag that consists of 2 NYX Butter Lipsticks in the shades Fizzies and Hot Tamale, Sephora Rogue Infusion in the shade Red Essense and a Tarte LipSurgence in the shade Blissful. I'm blissful indeed after getting this for myself and can't wait to play with all the colours! Not to mention a whole drawer of other lip products I've already owned but am happy my collection is growing =D Ladies and gents, if you'd like to get this amazing lippie bag, please hurry to the nearest Sephora store near you as it's limited edition and definitely worth so much more than what you're paying (RM69 only)! Not an advert but I just wanna share such a great deal with everyone, so I'd add another point here: All products are full sized products(but am unsure about the Sephora Rouge Infusion tho) and the Tarte LipSurgence alone is retailing at RM79 if am not mistaken.

That's all for my beauty haul. More to come soon! And reviews for each product category would be up in the next few posts after I've used it for more than 3-5 times so that it's a more reliable review =)

Till then,

Cyber Bullying

Now i know its only been awhile since I've started blogging but this happened to me while I was playing an online game which I adore and I can't help but share this experience with everyone because cyber bullying doesn't only exist in the internet per say but also online games as well. And it's not your average "trashing you noobs in game" kinda bully, but "i hate you and your whole family" kinda bully. Get it?

So I've actually started this game called AuditionSEA about 6-7 years ago when it just launched. It's a music/dancing game, so music/dance lovers like me would definitely love this. It's like the epitome of all dance games out there. Anyways, I stopped playing for about 6 years now and decided to re-enter the game scene recently just because I was curious how is it like now and if I'd be able to play to game again. Well, I'm still a noob in game cuz it's so different than how everything used to be. They have lots of game modes, couples have more activities together in-game, nice clothes for the game character and etc. And because of these, I'm addicted to the game again! *don't judge me* ;)

The beauty of online games is that you get to meet A LOT of people from different places and as for Audition, mostly are from Singapore since it's an SG based game. And I must say I've met a lot of friendly people that i can actually have a conversation with and I thoroughly enjoy the gaming experience with these people despite the age gap cuz most of them are fairly young but there are some who's around my age or older. *phew* But of course (there's always a but in everything), there are the few who're just plain annoying and immature that i feel like slapping them right then and there. This particular one however, I'd just say that I would love to shove my fist up her nostrils for pulling my mom into the picture.

So one fine day, I got an in-game couple called A. My friend and I were playing a game with him when B came into the game room and was asking A about this medal thingy that enables double EXP when playing for levelling purposes. So since they were talking, I didn't feel right to interrupt as it wasn't my business as well and ended up talking to her friend, C. B went furious all of a sudden asking me to shut up and mind my own business since she wasn't talking to me. Dumbfounded, I tried to tell her that I wasn't even talking to her in the first place but to no avail. She was raging, foul-mouthing and was then kicked out of the game room by A. She then took it to the next level by continuing to harass me via bulletin where she continued raging and foul-mouthing me, but I did not reply to her nonsense and just let her continue with her PMS.

B later confronted me and asked me why did I butt into their conversation as whatever that's between A and her is between the both of them and it's not of my business. I agreed with her as it's not my place to say anything about them but I also told her that I wasn't even talking to her in the first place. Glad that everything was finally over, I asked her if the clouds are clear but she said no because of some other misunderstandings on her part. I broke the "relationship" with A the following day as i do not want any trouble or misunderstandings and just played my game with my friends as per usual but B decided to cyber bully me AGAIN. She foulmouthed me in the bulletin and even created game rooms with the title "sell malaysians" and etc. My friend and I decided that she needed a lesson so we took a screenshot of that bulletin and reported it as a form of misconduct which she got banned the next day itself for a total length of 7 days.

Just when i thought everything would return to normal, B decided to text me at 5AM using A's number and foulmouthed me like it there was no tomorrow. And at this point forth, cyber bully just became personal harassment. Not did she just insulted me, but she also dragged my mom into the picture. Annoyed, I just replied her text as cooly as I could, and gave them a piece of my mind when i finally woke up from slumber. I also realised that my identity as the reporter of her misconduct was revealed which was why her msg was so full of herself as she feels that she has the GMs at her back. Now, this made me furious as to why the GMs are so biased and even revealed something that's so private and confidential such as the reporter's identity to the person who got banned which lead to me being harassed at 5AM. It's so unprofessional of them as their roles in-game are very much vital to maintain the peace among players as well as to monitor any misdeeds. My respect towards them has since decreased tremendously and if such incident were to happen again, rest assured that every possible actions would be taken.

I was really fed up with everything that happened within this short period of time. Not did it affect my game play experience, but also my mood and well-being. Imagine someone came out of nowhere and just starts foul mouthing you and your family! Now, first off i have never ever said anything vulgar about/to her. But I guess her mind works differently and decided to step on my tail as if I'm her new bully victim online and offline. Secondly, I do not mix my gaming life and my real life together. Whatever happens in game, stays in game. But yet again she doesn't understand the meaning of actually having a life rather than a gaming life. And thirdly, I would never ever condone such acts of immaturity and would definitely stay away from people who are of different wave lengths.

This made me realise how violent an online game could be even though it's just a dancing game and not RPG games with violent content/graphic. Mere words like above could just spread like wildfire and destroy someone's reputation in game which ultimately leads to others believing in the rumours as well. And cyber bullying does comes in all forms and if not treated properly, would lead to personal harassments like what I've experienced. But since that day, both A and B haven't uttered a single word to/about me online. Nor did I receive any explanation or apology from A regarding B's childish behaviours. I believe that both of them have somewhat a messy life and I really do not want to be a part of the kind of lifestyle that they lead. I have no right to judge them but these are from my point of view as per what I've experienced and noticed through our conversations.

I hope that everyone out there, who has had experienced such awful game play experiences, or any forms of cyber bullying to take note and stand up to those bullies! Do not be afraid to voice out and confront them. Need there be any legal actions involved, seek professional help to resolve the matter. For those of you wondering if I'm still playing the game, YES I AM! I adore the game and my friends in-game too much to let such matters bring me down. If you're playing this game as well, please do find me online with the ign xbabyASH and we shall be friends ;)

Till next time,

It's Me

Hello fellow humans!

It's been ages since I've last blogged. I'd safely say that it's been 2 years or so? Well, I'm finally back into the blogging scene, with a new me and a spanking new blog at that. For those of you who don't know me, there's a clickable link with the word "Owner" on it to give you a rough idea of who's blog you're stalking now ;)

Anyways, it's August right now and boy am i looking forward to what this month has to offer! First off, I'm a Leo baby turning 24 in a few more days *hint hint*. Secondly, I'm looking forward to work freelance, and hopefully land myself a permanent job. Thirdly, I'm also hoping to further my studies. I seriously hope that I'd be able to achieve all these and that I'd have everyone's support in doing so. SO, #supportelise okay? Okay.

Well, since this is like an introduction post, I won't be posting a super long one because that'll defeat the purpose of an introduction to my blog and I then. But do look forward to my future posts as I'll be posting my Korea Trip (finally!) which will be updated in a few posts.

Hope you'd enjoy reading this blog and look forward to my next update as much as i love sharing my stories!

Till then,